Category: Uncategorized

Google Poll Results!

After a week, a few people have taken the jacket and hoodie poll, and the results are in!





It looks like everyone who answered the poll preferred hoodies over jackets! I personally prefer hoodies as well, since they are super loose and comfortable! A big thanks to everyone who answered!

Reflection on the Pandemic

COVID-19 has honestly ruined many people’s lives, and even taken many lives as well. I think this pandemic has been horrible, since many people have passed, and how it’s affected many things.





It made school very hard, as back when I was in 6th grade, my teachers still had to figure out how to do it all digitally, and I also had a hard time doing all of the assignments, and to have motivation to do it all.






Family travel was canceled; I had to miss going to Hawaii, a concert in California where we were going to go to Disney Land/California Adventure. We were stuck at home, with nothing to do, so I ended up getting addicted to electronics as there seemed to be nothing else to do. My family and I started to get sick of each other and arguing a lot. Now, one thing I dislike about school is that if you’re absent or sick, you still are expected to make up 6 hours of work. When I’m sick, I want to rest, not do school work. Anyways, these are my opinions on how the pandemic wasn’t fun.

Free Write #2!

Here goes my second free write. Yesterday, September 7th, 2021, I had a wellness doctors appointment. After talking with the doctor, me and my mom decided it would be smart to get me the COVID-19 shot.







I personally hate shots/needles so I didn’t really enjoy the thought of this. After I got the shot, I had no allergic reaction so we were allowed to go home. Last night though, I got almost no sleep since my arm was aching terribly.






I think personally that the shot is worth it either way though, since the new variant of COVID-19 is killing many teenagers and children.




Stay safe out there, and have a great day everyone!

Bear Lake Travel Post!

I’ve been to Bear Lake a few times, and this particular time it was for my birthday! It was very fun, since my mom let my cousins and three of my close friends to come. I was very mad but happy when she surprised me that my friends were coming since I had begged her to let me invite at least one.






When we got there, we rented out some wave riders (jet skis) and a trampoline on the water, which was a super long swim but it was worth it since it was really fun! I got to drive the wave rider which was really fun but when I went with my uncle we almost tipped over which scared me! The next day, we saw an inflatable obstacle course out on the water and ended up renting it. It was very fun but an even longer swim than the tramp. I believe that it was just a little over a mile. Overall, I had a really fun time at Bear Lake and look forward to going to it next year.

Free Write!

So, story time. One day earlier this year in July, I was doing a slip n slide with my cousins who had come from Hawaii and South Carolina to visit us for a wedding occurring. I was walking back up the slide when my 21 year old cousin started to come down to try and knock me and my other cousins and siblings over. I jumped out of the way to the left, when I feel a sharp pain in between my big toe and my other toe. I also noticed how I hadn’t touched the ground, and when I looked down I had jumped right on top of our new metal stakes to hold the slip n slide down. I limp over to the deck, as I didn’t want to get grass on my foot just in case. When I sat down, I looked and sure enough, it was bleeding. I started to pace to try and distract myself from the pain, when my dad walked out and asked what was wrong. I showed him my cut, and he told me to hold the dark brown towel to it so it didn’t stain a white one. He went to get my mom which after checking, she decided to take me to the hospital. When we got there, we had to wait for a while, and I kept complaining it hurt since it did and I just wanted to get it fixed and go home. When we finally got in and the doctors looked at it, they confirmed I needed stitches. I was disappointed since I would break my streak of no stitches in my life. I also didn’t want to get numbing shots since I hate shots. But to my relief, since the cut was in between my toes, they couldn’t stitch it so instead they ended up glueing it. To this day, there is a faint scar in between my toes, but the doctors did good with the scaring. For anyone reading this, don’t jump on a metal stake! It hurts!

Getting to Know Me

Hi! My name is Kensie and I am in 8th grade. 4 words that describe me would be sarcastic, caring, loyal, and stubborn. If I had to live off of one food for the rest of my life it would probably be saltine crackers. If I could turn anything into an Olympic Sport, I would win a gold medal in soccer or by being very sarcastic. I love my dog, Cookie. If she were a human, she would have light dirty blonde hair, most likely drive a Ferrari, and would definitely be super good at sports. If I could have one superpower, it would be either to fly or to talk to animals so I could talk to my dog. My favorite color is purple or yellow, and I love to draw and play soccer.

This is a photo-booth picture of me!

10 Lagoon Rides I Love!


Colossus: The Fire Dragon           





Rattlesnake Rapids








Wild Mouse




The Spider




The Rocket









The Bat