Bear Lake Travel Post!

I’ve been to Bear Lake a few times, and this particular time it was for my birthday! It was very fun, since my mom let my cousins and three of my close friends to come. I was very mad but happy when she surprised me that my friends were coming since I had begged her to let me invite at least one.






When we got there, we rented out some wave riders (jet skis) and a trampoline on the water, which was a super long swim but it was worth it since it was really fun! I got to drive the wave rider which was really fun but when I went with my uncle we almost tipped over which scared me! The next day, we saw an inflatable obstacle course out on the water and ended up renting it. It was very fun but an even longer swim than the tramp. I believe that it was just a little over a mile. Overall, I had a really fun time at Bear Lake and look forward to going to it next year.

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